Versionen im Vergleich


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The network specifications apply to all switches with the same number of ports.

In the network specifications, the tagging modes Access, Hybrid and Trunk can be set.

  • Hybrid is used for the port if the “untagged” network and at least one “tagged” network are assigned to it.
  • Access isused for the port if either only an "untagged" or only a "tagged" network is assigned to it.
  • Trunk is used for the port if it is assigned more than one "tagged" network.

The tagging modes can also be configured by using the Overview for the respective switch (see step 3). This allows more detailed options to be set for the tagging modes.

If no network is assigned to a port, it is deactivated by the LMC. No communication is then possible via this port.



If necessary, repeat this step for further additional switch models.

1.2.3) Click the production network created in step 1.1.3 to go to advanced settings.



If necessary, repeat this step for further additional switch models.

2) Creating the site:


2.2) Enter a descriptive name for the site and click Add (in this example Headquarters Headquarter).

2.3) Click the site created in step 2.2 to go to advanced settings.
