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In a WLAN controller scenario, it may be useful for access points (LCOS LX) that operate a P2P link to be managed by the WLAN controller in order for the SSIDs configured there to be broadcast as well. However, there are potential pitfalls that could stop data can being transmitted over the P2P link, or that it stop working altogether.



LANCOM Systems makes the following recommendations. On specific grounds, LANCOM Systems recommends that access points running a P2P link should operate in standalone mode. As a consequence, LANCOM cannot provide any support in installing and analyzing a scenario of this type.



1. Manually enter the VLAN ID(s) of the required SSID(s) into the P2P link configured on the access points:


The P2P link of access points based on LCOS LX cannot be configured on a WLAN controller. If the Wi-Fi parameters are rolled out from the WLAN controller to the corresponding access points, any change to the Wi-Fi profile on the WLAN controller will cause the connection to the P2P link on the Wi-Fi network to be deleted on the access points. The result is that data can no longer be transmitted between the Wi-Fi network and the P2P link.

As a workaround, the VLAN IDs of the Wi-Fi networks can be stored manually in the P2P link on the access points so that the Wi-Fi network and P2P link remain connected.


1.4) This concludes the configuration of the access point. You can now write the configuration back to the device.

2. On the WLAN controller, set up a dedicated Wi-Fi profile for access points with the P2P link:


When the WLAN controller changes the radio settings, it can occur that the Wi-Fi parameters are rolled out first to an access point that is connected by LAN. This then restarts its Wi-Fi so that the access point that can only be reached via the P2P link is no longer able to receive the Wi-Fi parameters and cannot reconfigure its Wi-Fi. If the Wi-Fi parameters are now incompatible, the P2P link can no longer be established. Unfortunately, it is not possible to influence the order in which the access points receive their Wi-Fi configuration.

If the P2P link operates on the 5-GHz band and the Wi-Fi parameters are rolled out, the Wi-Fi module restarts and the mandatory DFS scan is carried out. The P2P link then remains interrupted until the DFS scan is complete.

To avoid this, it makes sense to create a separate Wi-Fi profile (along with a separate physical profile) for the affected access points so that the P2P link is not interrupted when changes are made to the normal physical profile. Changes to the physical profile for the access points in the P2P pair, on the other hand, should rarely be necessary.
