Versionen im Vergleich


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  • AS Number: Enter the AS number for the local Unified Firewall (in this example 64513). An AS number must always be unique.
  • Neighbors:
    • Name: Enter the name of the BGP neighbor (in this example Firewall-1).
    • Address: Enter the IP address of the BGP neighbor (in this example
    • AS Number: Enter the AS address of the BGP neighbor (in this example 64512).
    • Password: Enter a password used by BGP neighbors to mutually authenticate themselves (in this example password). This must match the password configured in step 1.1. 2.
  • Multihop Peers: This setting controls the number of intermediate stations (hops) through which a route can be learned (values from 0 to 255). In this example, we leave the setting at 0. This means that routes can only be learned from neighboring stations.
  • Redistribute Connected Routes: Activate this option so that locally configured routes can be sent to the BGP neighbor.
