Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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Transferring LMC licenses is only possible for projects, if they are in the same organisation!


When removing a license the current date is rounded up to 00:00 of the next day and one day is deducted from the validity period.


  • A 365 day license was assigned to a device on 31.01.2024. Therefore the license is valid until 30.01.2025.
  • The license is removed from the device on 06.03.2024. So 36 days have already passed (329 days remaining time).
  • The current day is rounded up to 7.03.2024 00:00 hours and 1 day is deducted from the validity period.
    • As the deactivation took place on 07.03.2024 (rounded up from 06.03.2024), the remaing time is 328 days.
    • Additionally 1 day is deducted from the remaining time, which leads to a remaining time of 327 days.
  • The license is assigned to another device on 07.03.2024. The license is therefore valid until 28.01.2025. 


  • Administrative access to the projects (Project Administrator)
