Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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1.8) Go to the menu SNMP → SNMPv3 → Access and click on Add New Entry to create the SNMP access.

1.109) Modify the following parameters and click click Apply:

  • Group Name: Make sure, that the SNMP group created in step 1.5) is selected.
  • Security Model: In the dropdown menu select the option usm.
  • Security Level: In the dopdown menu select the option Auth, Priv.
  • Read View Name: Make sure, that the SNMP view created in step 1.7) is selected.  
  • Write View Name: Make sure, that the SNMP view created in step 1.7) is selected.  

1.1110) Click on the red disk symbol in the upper right corner to save the configuration as the start configuration.


The start configuration is retained even if the device is restarted or there is a power failure.

1.1211) Acknowledge the save process by clicking OK.


2.1) Connect to the switch via the LANmonitor, make sure, that the protocol SNMP3 SNMPv3 is selected and enter the login credentials for the SNMP user entered in step 1.43)

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2.2) The switch can now be monitored via the LANmonitor and various status information can be read out. If write permissions are given, individual ports can be deactivated and reactivated, for example.

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