Versionen im Vergleich


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Transferring LMC licenses is only possible for projects, if they are in the same organisationorganization!


Due to technical reasons when removing a license the current date is rounded up to 00:00 of the next day and one day is deducted from the validity period.


  • A 365 day license was assigned to a device on 31.01.2024. Therefore the license is valid until 30.01.2025.
  • The license is removed from the device on 06.03.2024. So 36 days have already passed (329 days remaining time).
  • The current day is rounded up to 7.03.2024 00:00 hours and 1 day is deducted from the validity period.
    • As the deactivation took place on 07.03.2024 (rounded up from 06.03.2024), the remaing time is 328 days.
    • Additionally 1 day is deducted from the remaining time, which leads to a remaining time of 327 days.
  • The license is assigned to another device on 07.03.2024. The license is therefore valid until 28.01.2025. 


Both LMC projects are in the same LMC organisationorganization.

1) In the LMC open the menu Devices and select all devices whose valid license is to be transferred to the other project
