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In isolated cases it can happen, that particular web pages (or applications which use HTTP/HTTPS (S) for communication) cannot be invoked when using the HTTP(S)-Proxy. In such a case it is necessary to create an exception for such a web page / application, so that the traffic isn't routed via the HTTP(S)-Proxy.

This article describes the options to create a bypass for particular web pages / applications, so that they aren't filtered by the HTTP(S)-Proxy.


The URLs and IP addresses needed for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) can be found on the Microsoft 365 help page.


Some applications solely use the certificate integrated in the software and ignore the imported CA from the Unified Firewall (known as "Certificate Pinning"). This procedure is used by the operating systems Android and iOS by default. As a result, using Android or iOS devices in combination with the HTTP(S) proxy can lead to communication problems. Although it is possible in principle to bypass the proxy via a desktop object (see step 2), this can quickly become very timeconsuming. LANCOM Systems therefore recommends to place end devices with Android or iOS in a separate network without the HTTP(S) proxy. In this case, communication can still be restricted by the Application Filter or the URL/Content Filter.



1) Entering the DNS name in the HTTP-Proxy:


When the HTTP(S) proxy whitelist is used, websites are not checked by the proxy. However, all data traffic with TCP ports 80 and 443 is still transmitted via the HTTP(S) proxy. If non HTTP/HTTPS data traffic is tunneled via the TCP ports 80 and 443 (e.g. remote management or VPN clients in restrictive environments), it is possible, that the HTTP(S) proxy cannot process the packets and therefore does not transmit them. Therefore such data traffic must bypass the HTTP(S) proxy via a desktop object (see step 2).

1.1) Open the configuration of the Unified Firewall in a web browser and go to the menu UTM → Proxy → HTTP Proxy Settings.


2) Creating a separate firewall rule with the public IP address of the web server:


By creating a desktop object with a separate firewall rule data traffic can bypass the HTTP(S) proxy.

Certificate Pinning as well as other mechanisms for securing communication as HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) often leads to the HTTP(S) proxy not transmitting corresponding data traffic. This applies in particular to applications, which process sensitive information, e.g. healthcare and financial services, but also streaming provider and messaging services. Such applications can usually only be used, if its data traffic bypasses the HTTP(S) proxy. 

2.1) Open the configuration of the Unified Firewall in a web browser and click on the button to Create a host.


2.7) Repeat the steps 2.5) and 2.6) for the protocoll HTTPS.

2.8)  The connection now has to look as follows. Now click Click on Create Create afterwards.

2.9) Click on Activate, so that the changes are implemented by the Unified Firewall.

3) Using the intransparent HTTP(S) proxy:

When the intransparent HTTP(S) proxy is used, the proxy information has to be entered in the application settings or in the proxy settings in the operating system of the end device. In this case, applications usually behave much more tolerant. However, this operating mode requires, that the application either features its own proxy settings or that it uses the proxy entered in the operating system.

The configuration of the intransparent HTP(S) proxy is described in the following Knowledge Base article:

Use the HTTP(S) proxy of a LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall only in the browser