Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Data traffic on the network should be limited to 10 Mb MBit on all switch ports.
  • Data traffic on all other networks should be unrestricted.


  • IP address: Enter the address of the network where the QoS settings are to be applied (in this example
  • IP Mask: Enter the subnet mask for the related network. 


  • IP address: Enter the address of the networkwhere the QoS settings are to be applied (in this example
  • IP Mask: Enter the subnet mask for the related network. 


  • Color Mode: Leave the setting on Color Blind, since DiffServ classes are not assigned.
  • Committed Rate (Kbps): Enter the value required for the maximum bandwidth in kbps (in this example 10000 kbps).
  • Commited Burst Size (Kbytes): Enter the maximum allowed value of 128 kbps.
  • Confirm Action: From the drop-down menu, select the option Send, so that packets can be transmitted under the committed rate Committed Rate.
  • Violate Action: From the drop-down menu, select the option Drop, so that packets above the committed rate Committed Rate are discarded.

3.2.2) Global outbound traffic:


  • Color Mode: Leave the setting on Color Blind, since DiffServ classes are not assigned.
  • Committed Rate (Kbps): Enter the value required for the maximum bandwidth in kbps (in this example 10000 kbps).
  • Commited Burst Size (Kbytes): Enter the maximum allowed value of 128 kbps.
  • Confirm Action: From the drop-down menu, select the option Send, so that packets can be transmitted under the committed rate Committed Rate.
  • Violate Action: From the drop-down menu, select the option Drop, so that packets above the committed rate Committed Rate are discarded.

4) Configuring the services:
