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This article describes how to configure a cloud-managed Hotspot wuth with an external Captive Portal in the LMC (e.g. the Frederix Hotspot).


  • LCOS as of version 10.42 or LCOS LX as of version 5.30 (download latest version)
  • Zugang zur Access to the LANCOM Management Cloud (kostenpflichtigchargeable)
  • Beliebiger Web-BrowserAny web browser


1) In the LMC go to the menu Networks and click on Add Network → Hotspot Network.


  • IP address: Enter the public IP address of the RADIUS server which authenticates users for the external Captive Portal (in this example
  • Port: Passen Sie bei Bedarf den Port an, der zur Kommunikation mit dem RADIUS-Server verwendet wirdIf necessary, modify the Port, which is used for the communication with the RADIUS server. With default settings the port 1812 is used.
  • Key: Enter the key, which the LMC uses for aurthentocation authentication with the RADIUS server.

6) Lastly click on Save.


7) Proceed as described in the following Knowledge Base articles (depending on your scenario) for further configuration (assigning the network to the site, rolling out the configuration among other things) :.


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