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In certain circumstances it may not be possible to implement port forwarding to a location where a network resource is to be reached, for example where no public IPv4 address is available (e.g. with dual-stack lite).
In a case like this, port forwarding can be realized via a VPN tunnel if the location has a VPN connection to another site that does have a public IPv4 address.
This document describes how to implement port forwarding through a VPN tunnel.
Please note that when using port forwarding, anyone can read unencrypted information as cleartext. LANCOM Systems recommends using an encrypted VPN connection when transferring important information.

  • Configured and functional Internet connections at the headquarters and the branch office
  • Public IPv4 address at the headquarters
(also see DokumentlinksymbolImage Removed)
  • .

  • The headquarters has an Internet connection with a fixed IPv4 address
  • The branch office has an Internet connection with a non-public IPv4 address (e.g. dual-stack lite)
  • The headquarters and the branch office are connected by VPN
  • Field staff require access to a server at the branch office by means of port forwarding
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1) Configuring port forwarding on the router at the headquarters:
1.1) Open the configuration of the router at the headquarters and switch to the menu item IP router → Masq. → Port forwarding table.
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1.2) Create a new entry and enter the following information:
  • First port: Enter port 443
  • Last port: Enter port 443
  • Remote site: From the drop-down menu, set the remote site to INTERNET, so that port forwarding applies to this connection only
  • Intranet address: Enter the IP address of the server in the branch-office network (
  • Map port: Leave Map port as 0, as no remapping is required
  • Protocol: Set the protocol to TCP, as HTTPS is transmitted via TCP
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Further information about port forwarding is available in

the following article: DokumentlinksymbolImage Removed
1.3) Write the configuration back to the router. This concludes the configuration at the headquarters.

2) Configuring the VPN route on the router at the branch office:
Since communications are required with a party on the Internet, a default route must be created for the VPN connection.
2.1) Open the configuration of the router at the branch office and switch to the menu item IP router → Routing → IPv4 routing table.
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2.2) Mark the default route for the Internet connection and click Copy.
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2.3) Modify the following parameters:
  • Routing tag: Enter a routing tag not equal to 0, which has not yet been assigned elsewhere.
  • Router: From the drop-down menu, select the VPN remote for the headquarters.
  • IP masquerading: Set the radio button to IP masquerading switched off


The routing tag must not match any interface tag already stored under IPv4 → General → IP networks; otherwise the entire communication of this network takes will be routed through the VPN tunnel.

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2.4) Write the configuration back to the router.