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This article describes how an access point with an ePaper radio module (either with an integrated ePaper radio module or with the Wireless ePaper USB) can be connected to an ePaper server.


The ePaper server was discontinued in January 2024 (End of Sale).Therefore LANCOM Systems will not provide support for new installations of the ePaper server. LANCOM Systems will provide support for existing ePaper server installations up to and including January 2026.



2.1.1) Open the access point configuration in LANconfig and go to the menu item IoT → Wireless ePaper.

Adapt Modify the following parameters:


  • Operating: From the drop-down menu, select the option Yes.
  • Channel: From the drop-down menu, select a channel to be used by the ePaper radio module.
  • Server address: Enter the IP address of the ePaper server (in this example
  • Server port: Check that the port is set to 7354.


3.1) Use the command line to connect to the ePaper access point by entering the command ls Status/IoT/Wireless-ePaper. Copy the AccessPoint-ID and save it in a text file.
