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This article describes how to set up a VPN connection from the Advanced VPN Client for macOS to a LANCOM router with two-factor authentication (IKEv2-EAP-OTP).


The configuration with a LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for Windows is described in this knowledge base article.


  • LANCOM router with at least 25 VPN licenses (Central-Site gateway, 19xx series router or LANCOM router with the VPN 25 Option)
  • Advanced VPN Client for macOS as of version 4.7x
  • LCOS as of version 10.70 REL (download latest version)
  • LANtools as of version 10.70 REL (download latest version)
  • Authenticator app for Android or iOS (e.g. Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator)



Repeat this step for each VPN user.


The Secret must contain capital letters and numbers between 2 - 7 only (see RFC3548). Otherwise the configuration cannot be written back to the router via LANconfig!

If the If the Google Authenticator is used, the Secret must have at least 16-digits, as otherwise the scan of the QR code will fail.


  • Exchange Mode: From the drop-down menu, select IKEv2.
  • PFS Group: From the drop-down menu, select DH14 (modp2048). DH16 (modp4096).

LANCOM Systems recommends to use the PFS group DH16 (modp4096). For this purpose DH16 must also be active in the encryption profile DEFAULT on the router (VPN → IKEv2/IPSec →  Encryption).

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5.6) Authentication via EAP-OTP cannot be configured in the wizard, so this must be done manually at a later stage. Click Next without making changes. 
