With the following Add-in script you can configure DHCP snooping on LANCOM Switches of the GS-23xx series.
List of used variables:
Variable | Description |
Add-in code:
/** config.setScalarByOid("", "1"); function warn(msg) { config.addScriptLine("#-" + msg); config.warnLog(msg); } var table = config.getTableByOid(""); //Hiermit liest man die Porttabelle aus if (table == null) { warn("Script skipped for missing port table:"); return; } var start = parseInt(context.vars.StartPort) || 0; var end = parseInt(context.vars.EndPort) || 0; for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { // i \in [start, end], geschlossenes Intervall var row = table.getFirstRowByOid("1", "" + i); // Get row/Port i if (row) { row.setByOids( { 2: "0" }); table.addOrMerge(row); //hinzufügen oder anpassen der Zeilen } } }; |