This document describes how a point-to-point (P2P) wireless bridge link can be set up with the Setup Wizard, whereby the remote access point is identified by a unique name and not by its MAC address.

Please note, that the P2P implementations in LCOS and LCOS LX are not compatible with each other. Therefore it is not possible to connect an LCOS access point to an LCOS LX access point via P2P. 

Ensure that you have the latest version of the LCOS firmware and the current LANtools.

In this example of a configuration, two buildings located on company premises are to be connected by a wireless point-to-point link over a distance of approximately 500 meters.
A LANCOM OAP-821 is mounted on the outside of each of the buildings. These devices are directed towards one another such that there is a clear line of sight between them. Both OAP-821s are operated with their own integrated antennas.
The basic configuration has already been set up on both OAPs (device name, LAN and WLAN configuration, etc.).


Setting up access point "LANCOM_1":
1. Start the Setup Wizard for access point LANCOM_1 and select the option Configure WLAN.
2. In the following dialog select the option Change physical base settings of the WLAN interface and then click on Next.
3. Please select the country in which the access point is to be operated.
4. In the following dialog, set the operating mode to Access point.
5. Set a frequency and a radio channel. Make sure that Channel number is set to the option Automatic selection.
In this instance we are using the access point's integrated antennas, so we have to select the option default internal antennas.
6. In the dialog that follows, select the option Configure WLAN point-to-point remote site.
7. In the following dialog, select the point-to-point operating mode Exclusive and in the field P2P radio ID enter a name for the access point (e.g. in this case LANCOM_1).
In order for the access point LANCOM_1 to act as master and handle the selection of the operating channel, select under Channel selection scheme the option Master.
8. In this example the distance between the two access points is approximately 500 meters, and so the default value for maximum distance in the following dialog can be left unchanged.
9. The point-to-point link is to be secured by WPA2 encryption.
10. In the following dialog you have to enter the passphrase for the encryption.
11. Now you have to select the point-to-point remote access point for processing.
12. In the following dialog, select the option Enable this point-to-point channel and then the option P2P radio ID of remote site. Enter the name of the remote AP into the field P2P radio ID.
Using a name to identify a remote station is always preferable to using the MAC address. In the event that the device is exchanged, the MAC address would be different. However, if the replacement device is identical and programmed with a backup of the configuration, the device name would be unchanged and thus correct.
13. Click on Finish to close the Setup Wizard and to write your changes to the access point.

Setting up access point "LANCOM_2":
1. Start the Setup Wizard for access point LANCOM_2 and select the option Configure WLAN.
2. In the following dialog select the option Change physical base settings of the WLAN interface and then click on Next.
3. Please select the country in which the access point is to be operated.
4. In the following dialog, set the operating mode to Access Point.
5. Set a frequency and a radio channel. Make sure that Channel number is set to the option Automatic selection.
In this instance we are using the access point's integrated antennas, so we have to select the option default internal antennas.
6. In the dialog that follows, select the option Configure WLAN point-to-point remote site.
7. In the following dialog, select the point-to-point operating mode Exclusive and in the field P2P radio ID enter a name for the access point (e.g. in this case LANCOM_2).
In order for the access point LANCOM_2 to act as slave, select under Channel selection scheme the option Slave.
8. In this example the distance between the two access points is approximately 500 meters, and so the default value for maximum distance in the following dialog can be left unchanged.
9. The point-to-point link is to be secured by WPA2 encryption.
10. In the following dialog you have to enter the passphrase for the encryption. The passphrase entered here must be identical to that programmed into the access point LANCOM_1.
11. Now you have to select the point-to-point remote access point for processing.
12. In the following dialog, select the option Enable this point-to-point channel and then the option P2P radio ID of remote site. Enter the name of the remote AP into the field P2P radio ID.
Using a name to identify a remote station is always preferable to using the MAC address. If the device should ever be exchanged, then the MAC address would change with it. However, if the replacement device is identical and programmed with a backup of the configuration, the device name would be unchanged and thus correct.
13. Click on Finish to close the Setup Wizard and to write your changes to the access point.
14. The configuration of the point-to-point link is now complete.
15. Use the program LANmonitor to check if the devices are connected over the WLAN link.

The aligning process of the antennas for P2P operation is described in this Knowledge Base document.