
This article describes how to configure VRRP on an XS-5xxx/XS-6xxx or GS-45xx series switch.

A maximum of 64 VRRP groups can be created.


  • Two XS-5xxx/XS-6xxx or GS-45xx series switches
  • LCOS SX as of version 5.20 RU10 (download latest version)
  • SSH client for accessing the switches via the CLI (e.g. PuTTY)


The VRRP configuration on the Master and Backup nodes is identical with the exception of the IP interface in the configured VLAN and the VRRP priority. Therefore for the Backup node only the deviating components to the Master node are described.

1) Configuring the Master node:

1.1) Enter the command enable on the CLI, to gain advanced privileges.

Request advanced privileges

1.2) Enter the command vlan database, to go to the menu Vlan.

Go to the menu Vlan

1.3) Enter the command in the format vlan <VLAN ID>, to create a new VLAN (in this example vlan 100).

Create a VLAN

1.4) Enter the command in the format vlan routing <VLAN ID>, to enable routing for the VLAN created in step 1.3 (in this example vlan routing 100).

Enable routing for the created VLAN

1.5) Enter the command exit followed by the command configure. In doing so, the VLAN configuration is exited and the configuration menu is invoked.

Invoking the configuration menu

1.6) Enter the command ip vrrp to activate VRRP globally.

Activate VRRP

1.7) Enter the command in the format interface vlan <VLAN ID> to change to the VLAN interface created in step 1.3 (in this example interface vlan 100).

Change to the created VLAN interface

1.8) Enter the command in the format ip address <IP address> <Subnetmask> to assign an IP address with the associated subnetmask to the VLAN interface (in this example ip address

Assigning an IP address with the associated subnetmask to the VLAN interface

1.9) Enter the command in the format ip vrrp <VRRP-ID> to set the VRRP ID (in this example ip vrrp 1). This ID also has to be used on the Backup node. 

Values between 1 and 255 can be set for the VRRP ID.

Setting the VRRP ID

1.10) Enter the command in the format ip vrrp <VRRP ID> accept-mode (in this example ip vrrp 1 accept-mode), so that the switches exchange VRRP status information.

Enable exchange of VRRP status information

1.11) Enter the command in the format ip vrrp <VRRP ID> ip <Virtual VRRP IP address> to enter a virtual IP address for the VRRP (in this example ip vrrp 1 ip The Backup node must use the same VRRP IP address.

Enter a virtual IP address for the VRRP

1.12) Enter the command in the format ip vrrp <VRRP ID> mode to activate the VRRP group. The VRRP group is deactived if the command is entered again.

Activate the VRRP group

1.13) Enter the command in the format ip vrrp <VRRP ID> priority <VRRP priority> to set the priority for the VRRP (in tis example ip vrrp 1 priority 100). The priority of the Master node must be higher than the priority of the Backup node.

Values between 1 and 254 can be entered for the VRRP priority.

Setting the VRRP priority

1.14) Enter the command exit twice to return to the root level.

Enter the command write memory confirm afterwards, to save the configuration as the start configuration. The appendix confirm ensures, that the save process does not have to be acknowledged.

The start configuration is retained even after a restart or a power failure.

Return to the root level and save the configuration as the start configuration

2) Configuring the Backup node:

For the configuration of the Backup node proceed exactly as for the configuration of the Master node. Only the IP interface in the VLAN and the VRRP priority must be set differently. This is descibed as follows.

2.1) Enter the command in the format ip address <IP address> <Subnetmask> analogously to step 1.8 to assign an IP address with the associated subnetmask to the VLAN interface (in this example ip address

The IP parameters in the Backup node's VLAN interface must be assigned a different IP adress from the Master node. 

Assigning an IP address with the associated subnetmask to the VLAN interface

2.2) Enter the command in the format ip vrrp <VRRP ID> priority <VRRP priority> analogously to step 1.13 to set the priority for the VRRP (in this example ip vrrp 1 priority 50). The priority of the Backup node must be lower than the priority of the Master node.

Setting the VRRP priority

3) Reading out the VRRP status:

VRRP status information can be read out with the command in the format show ip vrrp interface vlan <VLAN ID> <VRRP ID> (in this example show ip vrrp interface vlan 100 1).