
This article describes, how support access can be granted in the LMC and revoked again.

Support access can only be granted in the Public LMC (


  • Your own project in the LMC
  • Granting support access is only possible as a Project Administrator


1) Granting support access in the LMC:

1.1) Click on Help in the LMC.

Opening the Help menu in the LMC

1.2) Under Support access click on Grant support access.

Opening the menu Grant suppot access

1.3) Modify the following parameters and click Grant access:

  • Select the Access duration. For most support cases, LANCOM Systems recommends a duration of one month. After the Access duration is over, support access is deactivated automatically.
  • Activate the checkbox I confirm that LANCOM Support has already been contacted via the support portal.

Setting access duration and confirming support access

2) Revoking support access in the LMC:

If support access isn't necessary anymore, the access can also be revoked before the automatic deactivation.

2.1) Under Support access click on Revoke support access.

Opening the menu Revoke support access in the Help menu

2.2) Activate the checkbox I acknowledge, that by revoking support access, the LANCOM Support will no longer be able to access this project on my behalf. 

Click on Revoke access afterwards. 

Revoking support access